Artificial intelligence development services

Everybody knows about and has heard about it, but we're the experts in creating it. Welcome to COAX, where we turn the buzz around artificial intelligence into concrete results for your business. Our team of skilled professionals excels in crafting innovative AI solutions tailored to your unique needs. From intelligent automation to predictive analytics and more, we possess the knowledge and experience to unlock the true potential of AI. Don't worry, our AI won't turn your coffee machine into a prankster, but it will brew up some serious upgrades for your business! 

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Benefits of AI development services for your business

The future is brimming with boundless possibilities as artificial intelligence (AI) continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace. This cutting-edge technology holds the potential to revolutionize businesses across industries, unlocking a multitude of anticipated benefits. Here's a glimpse into the transformative advantages that await forward-thinking organizations like yours.

Enhanced efficiency and productivity

AI automates repetitive and mundane tasks, freeing up valuable time for employees to focus on strategic and creative activities. By streamlining processes and reducing manual intervention, AI improves overall efficiency and productivity, significantly saving time and cost.

Data analysis and insights

AI systems analyze vast volumes of data swiftly and accurately, uncovering valuable patterns, trends, and insights that may remain hidden from human analysis. By extracting actionable insights, businesses can make data-driven decisions, optimize operations, and gain a competitive edge in their industry.

Improved customer experience

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants provide personalized and real-time customer support, delivering seamless and efficient interactions. These intelligent systems handle customer inquiries, offer tailored recommendations, and facilitate transactions, improving customer satisfaction, higher engagement, and increased loyalty.

Cost reduction

AI automation reduces costs associated with manual labor, errors, and inefficiencies. By automating tasks and optimizing operations, businesses can achieve significant cost savings, improve resource allocation, and identify areas for process optimization, such as energy consumption or supply chain management.

Increased security

AI-powered cybersecurity systems monitor network traffic, detect anomalies, and flag potential threats in real time. By leveraging AI's ability to analyze patterns and behaviors, businesses can enhance their security posture, detect and prevent security breaches, and safeguard sensitive data and critical systems.

Innovation and competitive advantage

AI enables businesses to explore new opportunities, develop innovative products and services, and gain a competitive edge in the market. By leveraging AI technologies, organizations can unlock new revenue streams, improve existing offerings, and create unique customer experiences, positioning themselves as industry leaders.

Our AI development services: empowering your business with cutting-edge solutions

Three office employees looking at monitor and discussing project

AI Strategy and consulting

We help your business create a plan to use AI by understanding your goals, finding ways AI can be helpful, and creating a roadmap for implementation.

Natural language processing (NLP)

We develop solutions that make machines understand and generate human language. This includes chatbots, virtual assistants, analyzing emotions, translating languages, and summarizing text.

Computer vision development

We build systems that help machines understand visual information like images, objects, and faces.

AI integration and deployment

We assist in integrating AI solutions into your existing systems, ensuring they work well with your data and other technologies while being scalable and performing efficiently.

AI model training and evaluation

We train and fine-tune AI models using relevant data and advanced techniques like supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning.

AI-enabled product development

We help you develop products with AI capabilities or enhance existing products with features like voice recognition, recommendation systems, and predictive analytics.

Our technology stack for artificial intelligence software development services

We utilize a robust technology stack to create our AI solutions. Here are the key technologies we employ:

TensorFlow (rarely used)
Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)
Jupyter Notebook
Amazon Web Services
Google Cloud Platform
TensorFlow (rarely used)
Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)
Jupyter Notebook
Amazon Web Services
Google Cloud Platform

The process of custom AI development

Problem definition

We conduct a comprehensive analysis to define the problem or objective that necessitates AI intervention. This involves understanding the business requirements, identifying pain points, and determining the potential value AI can deliver.

Data collection and preparation

We curate high-quality, relevant data from diverse sources, including databases, sensors, APIs, and web scraping. The collected data undergoes rigorous processing, cleaning, and transformation to ensure its suitability for training AI models.

Algorithm selection

Based on the defined problem, we evaluate and select the most appropriate AI algorithms and techniques. This encompasses machine learning algorithms (e.g., decision trees, neural networks, support vector machines), natural language processing (NLP) techniques, computer vision algorithms, or hybrid approaches tailored to the specific problem domain.

Model training

We train the chosen AI model using the prepared data. This process involves dividing the data into training and validation sets and iteratively refining the model by adjusting parameters, optimizing performance, and leveraging techniques such as supervised learning, unsupervised learning, or reinforcement learning.

Model evaluation

Once the model is trained, we rigorously evaluate its performance, accuracy, and generalization capabilities using established evaluation metrics and dedicated test datasets. This critical step ensures the model aligns with predefined criteria and facilitates necessary improvements or adjustments.

Model deployment

The AI model is deployed into the production environment upon successful evaluation. This entails seamlessly integrating the model with existing systems, infrastructure, or applications, ensuring compatibility, scalability, real-time data handling, and attaining desired outcomes.

Monitoring and maintenance

We establish continuous monitoring mechanisms to track the AI model's performance and operational status. Regular maintenance activities are undertaken to sustain optimal functionality, including data drift management, periodic retraining, and addressing potential issues or biases.

Iterative improvement

AI development is an iterative process. We seek feedback from users, stakeholders, and real-world usage to refine the AI system further. This iterative improvement involves analyzing feedback, collecting additional data, model refinement, and updates to enhance performance and adapt to evolving business needs.

Ethical considerations

Throughout the development process, we prioritize ethical considerations. We ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability in the AI system, mitigate biases and discrimination, and protect user privacy and data security.

Problem definition

We conduct a comprehensive analysis to define the problem or objective that necessitates AI intervention.
This involves understanding the business requirements, identifying pain points, and determining the potential value AI can deliver.

Data collection and preparation

We curate high-quality, relevant data from diverse sources, including databases, sensors, APIs, and web scraping. The collected data undergoes rigorous processing, cleaning, and transformation to ensure its suitability for training AI models.

Algorithm selection

Based on the defined problem, we evaluate and select the most appropriate AI algorithms and techniques. This encompasses machine learning algorithms (e.g., decision trees, neural networks, support vector machines), natural language processing (NLP) techniques, computer vision algorithms, or hybrid approaches tailored to the specific problem domain.

Model training

We train the chosen AI model using the prepared data. This process involves dividing the data into training and validation sets and iteratively refining the model by adjusting parameters, optimizing performance, and leveraging techniques such as supervised learning, unsupervised learning, or reinforcement learning.

Model evaluation

Once the model is trained, we rigorously evaluate its performance, accuracy, and generalization capabilities using established evaluation metrics and dedicated test datasets. This critical step ensures the model aligns with predefined criteria and facilitates necessary improvements or adjustments.

Model deployment

The AI model is deployed into the production environment upon successful evaluation. This entails seamlessly integrating the model with existing systems, infrastructure, or applications, ensuring compatibility, scalability, real-time data handling, and attaining desired outcomes.

Monitoring and maintenance

We establish continuous monitoring mechanisms to track the AI model's performance and operational status. Regular maintenance activities are undertaken to sustain optimal functionality, including data drift management, periodic retraining, and addressing potential issues or biases.

Iterative improvement

AI development is an iterative process. We seek feedback from users, stakeholders, and real-world usage to refine the AI system further. This iterative improvement involves analyzing feedback, collecting additional data, model refinement, and updates to enhance performance and adapt to evolving business needs.

Ethical considerations

Throughout the development process, we prioritize ethical considerations. We ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability in the AI system, mitigate biases and discrimination, and protect user privacy and data security.

Ready to redefine user experience and boost your product?

Take the first step with COAX!

Why choose our AI development services?

Unlock AI's potential for your business, drive innovation, and gain a competitive advantage by choosing our AI development services. Here's why COAX is the right custom AI development company for you:

Expertise and experience

Our team has deep knowledge and experience in AI development. We understand AI algorithms and machine learning techniques, allowing us to deliver cutting-edge solutions tailored to your needs.

Tailored solutions

Every business has its challenges and requirements. Our AI software development services are customized to address your specific needs. We take the time to understand your goals, aligning our solutions with your objectives to maximize their value.

End-to-end service

We provide comprehensive end-to-end artificial intelligence development services. From strategy and consulting to data collection, model training, deployment, and maintenance, we guide you through the entire process, ensuring a seamless and successful implementation of AI solutions.

Cutting-edge technologies

We stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in AI. Our team is proficient in using industry-leading frameworks like PyTorch and Scikit-learn. By harnessing these technologies, we deliver robust and efficient AI solutions.

Quality and performance

Our artificial intelligence development company is committed to delivering high-quality, cost-effective AI software solutions that surpass your expectations. Following industry best practices and rigorous testing methodologies, our AI systems are accurate, reliable, and perform optimally in real-world scenarios.

Customer-centric approach

Your satisfaction is our priority. We actively engage with you, maintaining open communication throughout the project. Your feedback and suggestions are valued, and we work closely with you to ensure the final AI solution aligns perfectly with your expectations and delivers tangible business value.

Success stories

Antique e-commerce platform
Antique e-commerce platform

With 120 thousand monthly visitors (81% of which is organic search traffic), project tops the list of most trusted and influential antique marketplaces in Great Britain. Project specializes in selling antique furniture, jewelry, silver, ceramics, art, and much more.

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TRI Timesheets
TRI Timesheets

The solution significantly improved the overall management of the construction company via time tracking and location tracking.

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Peercents is an online financial tracking application, where users can visualize their economic progress. It can predict the impact of various financial decisions and helps to compare the effect of them.

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What our clients say

The team followed a clear direction and had an open-minded approach to creating a solution. The standard of the design is of a very high standard with a model that can be clearly presented to all current and future stakeholders.

George Johnson

We really liked working with COAX in the discovery phase very much! The team is great and very professional. By always asking the right questions, it helps guide the process in a clear direction and makes working together very efficient and successful.

Michael Dunphy

For almost 10 years now, I’ve enjoyed working with COAX Software on various projects. Their team of highly-talented, cross-functional software engineers and architects helps us meet development timelines quickly and reliably.

Joe Heenan

CEO, Proteineer

In working with COAX, we found them to be highly professional and have continued our ongoing relationship and cooperation with COAX on this project thanks to the ongoing support they continue to offer us. We have complete confidence that they will continue to be a responsible development partner.

Ashley Greenfelder

director of the Re:Plan

I was delighted by COAX Software’s attention to detail and ability to deliver such a complex project. COAX’s team is second to none designing, developing, and deploying websites. I highly recommend COAX to anyone looking for a reliable and talented web development team.

Mason Blake

Co-founder and CTO at Ratio

From the first day, the COAX team established themselves as optimistic. After the guys spent a dozen hours sorting out our problems and never once talked about money, we realized that this team was ready to go the extra mile.

We were finally convinced of the prospects for cooperation when the COAX CTO came to our British office in person with a detailed presentation of the renovation. You will not often find such an approach in the outsourcing development market

Richard Murray

CEO at Antique Ecommerce Marketplace

Our industries


How to choose the right machine learning development services?

To choose the right machine learning development services, consider the provider's expertise, experience, and technology stack. Look for a company specializing in machine learning with a proven track record. It is also essential to assess their problem-solving approach and project management style.

Why is artificial intelligence essential for web development?

Artificial intelligence is essential for web development because it enables enhanced user experiences, personalized content recommendations, and improved automation. By leveraging AI algorithms and techniques, web developers can create intelligent systems that analyze user behavior, optimize website performance, and automate repetitive tasks. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants provide efficient customer support, while machine learning algorithms enable personalized content delivery and targeted marketing strategies. Overall, AI enhances web development by making websites more intelligent, efficient, and capable of delivering tailored user experiences.

How long does it take to build an AI-based product?

The time required to build an AI-based product varies depending on project complexity, scope, and resources. Generally, developing an AI-based product involves several stages, including problem analysis, data collection, model training, testing, and deployment. Small-scale AI projects can take a few weeks to a few months, while more extensive and complex projects can take several months or even years. It is important to note that building AI-based products is an iterative process that often involves refining and improving the models based on feedback and real-world usage. To determine a more accurate time estimate for a specific AI project, consult with our development team, who can assess the project requirements and provide a tailored timeline.

How much does it cost to develop an AI-based app?

The cost of developing an AI-based app varies depending on several factors, including the complexity of the application, the scope of features, the technology stack used, and the development team's rates. Developing an AI-based app typically involves data collection, preprocessing, model development, testing, and integration. Each task requires time and expertise, contributing to the overall cost.

It is easier to provide an exact cost with specific project details. Small-scale AI apps with basic functionalities can cost less, ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars. However, more complex AI apps with advanced features, custom models, and extensive data processing requirements can cost significantly more, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands or even more, depending on the complexity and scale of the project.

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We will contact you within 24 hours


We'll clarify your expectations, business objectives, and project requirements


We'll develop and accept a proposal


Following that, our partnership can begin