Travel API integration

Users demand access to everything in one place. That place is online travel agency COAX Software specializes in developing intuitive platforms and interfaces that will transform your travel business with the best travel and booking API providers.

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The travel APIs we offer

At COAX Software, counting modern hospitality technology trends, we use the latest tools and travel technology to create intuitive and robust web applications for all types of businesses in the travel industry. The APIs we offer include:

Accommodation API. Hotel API integration enables mobile and web apps to connect with large hotel databases so customers can easily check room availability, price, and make bookings through an advanced reservation engine.

Tour API. Online travel and tourism service providers can use different APIs to make their services more efficient. Advanced tour APIs let users track events, see details, and book them within one complete solution.

Transfers API. Transfer APIs are a way to integrate ground functionality with your travel business goals. You can integrate all software products for all in-demand travel tools for consolidated flights, hotels, transport, and tour bookings.

Payment API. With payment APIs, travel agents and users can leverage virtual cards, wallets, and instant transfers, replacing traditional methods such as wire transfers, bank debit cards, or checks. Whether it's a full-scale online hotel reservation system, flight reservation system, or booking by travel agents, get paid from all channels!

Travel API features

The travel software solutions we offer will help you boost engagement and meet customer expectations. For every travel API integration your travel business process can leverage features like:

Centralized dashboard

COAX Software can integrate feature-rich central online reservation systems and micro-services-based APIs. You can administer everything from a central dashboard available through an easy-to-use interface where you can manage complete inventory, customer service, and rich content.

Booking widgets

From hotel booking API integration to all-round tour bookings. Your users get access to a range of booking widgets to inquire about the availability of different services at diverse locations, make reservations, and track the progress of booking requests through your online hotel business.

Online travel portal

Online portals are a way for tour operators, travel agencies, and travel companies to sell travel packages and generate more bookings. COAX developers can create a custom travel portal and booking engine API that is tailored to the needs of both travel agents and individual users.

Manage listings and content

With an advanced API integration, you can access and manage destination content from traditional and new sources, including flights, hotels, transportation, and event updates. While your customers can find their preferred suppliers, travel options, holiday package, and price comparison with a typical sub-second search response.

Security and scalability

You can trust our experienced team to integrate the best-in-class solutions for travel portal that are secure and tailored to accommodate your growing travel company and user demands. Everything from user data to payment details remains end-to-end encrypted and scalable for an enhanced reservation flow.

The key benefits of APIs for your business

Travel portal development and integrating APIs can play a substantial role if you want to grow your travel business and contribute to customer satisfaction. APIs can help you get the information you need to scale quickly with ground services, white labels, and customized travel search with a single easy-to-use programming interface.

At COAX, we analyze your business needs and integrate APIs that can benefit your business, future, and current clients in the following ways:

Travel search in one place

A travel API allows travel agencies to access a constantly updated inventory of tours, hotels, car rentals, etc. from different consolidators. This makes it easier for customers to find the best transfers and book hotel options, which can increase traffic to your travel website or app. Read our blog for more information about Travel Agency Software in 2023: Booking & Management.

All-round booking system

Travel APIs let you easily connect to different travel-related services without having to worry about disrupting the way your website or app works. This makes it easy for travel agencies to get access to external content and booking platform APIs for flights, hotels, and other services.

Simpler workflows

Your customers won't have to wait, and neither will you and your service providers. By using APIs, you can standardize and consolidate shared data from multiple sources and sales channels, and it will make managing easy for you – and bookings a simple task for users.

Reduced operational costs

Leveraging travel APIs can be a crucial step to save on operational costs and maintenance for your digital travel business. You can reduce overhead costs on management, workforce, and legacy systems with simple yet advanced software integration and a wide selection of services at your fingertips.

Useful data assets

APIs can help you get more information about your customers so you can figure out what they want and need. User analytics are a key factor in developing successful marketing and advertising campaigns for your business, offering competitive rates, and a smooth experience in travel booking.

Improved profitability

When customers visit your travel website, APIs help keep them from being redirected to other websites. Better customer retention, user experience, and engagement mean you drive more sales and expand your client base. Make more money in the long run by automating many of the tasks that employees need to do, reduce the number of people you need to employ, and improve efficiency to generate greater return on investment.

Integrate effective travel APIs and grow your business in the digital world with the experts!

Custom travel API integration

Ready-to-use APIs might sound feasible for your travel business. However, not all integrations on the market are made to fit your unique business needs and support growth over the years as travel API solutions.

Custom APIs define success for branded travel agencies and provide them with limitless, versatile options to make their user journey more functional, desirable, and most of all – secure.

Custom travel APIs are a better choice for your business when:

You want to access and have full control over the developer hub source code and security of the system.

You aim to scale your business in the future and require unlimited customization options to fit your business needs and customer demands.

You do not wish to share profit margins or revenue with API providers through API contracts or online reservation systems.

Your business follows a unique and innovative business model and regular APIs can not match your goals.

Our Success stories

Booking service

A global travel agency that serves as a marketplace for re-selling hotel rooms reached out to COAX for turn-key development services. The client needed to build a powerful online platform that could deliver reservations to sellers and buyers in a way that ensured easy re-booking operations.

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The unique platform that combines strong technology with intricate operational abilities. Complex marketplace with all the necessary products for tourists: tickets, tours, accommodation, and transfers.

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Our clients review

In working with COAX, we found them to be highly professional and have continued our ongoing relationship and cooperation with COAX on this project thanks to the ongoing support they continue to offer us. We have complete confidence that they will continue to be a responsible development partner.

Ashley Greenfelder

director of the Re:Plan

From the first day, the COAX team established themselves as optimistic. After the guys spent a dozen hours sorting out our problems and never once talked about money, we realized that this team was ready to go the extra mile.

We were finally convinced of the prospects for cooperation when the COAX CTO came to our British office in person with a detailed presentation of the renovation. You will not often find such an approach in the outsourcing development market

Richard Murray

CEO at Antique Ecommerce Marketplace

The team followed a clear direction and had an open-minded approach to creating a solution. The standard of the design is of a very high standard with a model that can be clearly presented to all current and future stakeholders.

George Johnson

We really liked working with COAX in the discovery phase very much! The team is great and very professional. By always asking the right questions, it helps guide the process in a clear direction and makes working together very efficient and successful.

Michael Dunphy

I was delighted by COAX Software’s attention to detail and ability to deliver such a complex project. COAX’s team is second to none designing, developing, and deploying websites. I highly recommend COAX to anyone looking for a reliable and talented web development team.

Mason Blake

Co-founder and CTO at Ratio

For almost 10 years now, I’ve enjoyed working with COAX Software on various projects. Their team of highly-talented, cross-functional software engineers and architects helps us meet development timelines quickly and reliably.

Joe Heenan

CEO, Proteineer


What is a Travel API?

A travel API is a way for software applications to communicate with each other so that you can get the best possible travel deals. This interface allows travel suppliers (such as flight reservation providers, hotel booking engines, and car rental companies) to consolidate their various products into one easy-to-use interface. This means you can access various travel options from one place, and the experience will be more efficient and convenient than ever before.

What are the benefits of integrating travel APIs into my website or application?

Integrating a travel API into your website or application can give you access to a wider range of travel options, real-time availability and pricing, improve user experience through a seamless booking process, and reduce development costs and time by leveraging the functionality of an existing travel service provider. So while your software becomes a one-stop platform for all travel solutions, your workflow gets more efficient, and your customers are better satisfied, you're also saving overhead costs on maintenance, updates, and development of legacy software with such advanced functionality.

Can I customize the travel API to my specific needs?

When considering third-party APIs, the extent of customization can vary for each platform. Some travel APIs may offer customization options, while others may not. Custom API development is always an option if you aren't satisfied with an existing API. Contact our experts, so we can learn more about your specific needs and answer with more accurate information to make API customization profitable for you!

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