Latest news: COAX joined the TechUK trade association

Latest news: COAX joined the TechUK trade association

We can barely contain our excitement with the latest news – we’ve joined TechUK, the UK's premier technology trade association. Now, COAX is a part of the global community that unites innovators shaping the digital future.

TechUK membership

What's TechUK?

Think of it as the ultimate tech club of thinkers. They bring together the brightest minds and most prominent tech companies to tackle tomorrow's challenges. TechUK is about using technology to improve life for everyone — people, businesses, and the planet. 

What do they do? Well, a lot – from shaping policies and promoting the latest developments to advocating initiatives that drive technology for social good.

Why we’re excited about this

Joining TechUK isn't just about putting our name beautifully on their website. We're here to make a real impact. Here's what we're looking forward to.

Having a say in tech policies

We'll work with other European companies to create an environment where tech companies can thrive and innovate. At this trying time for the Ukrainian digital ecosystem, we are honored to join the decision-makers and change pushers in Europe. 

Our unique perspective as a company with roots in Ukraine and the UK positions us to be among those who bridge gaps and foster international cooperation in the tech sector.

Pushing innovation forward

TechUK is always exploring new tech frontiers — AI, cloud computing, sustainability, 5G, you name it. And these are what COAX cares for as well. We can't wait to share what we know. Our team's expertise in custom software development brings a fresh angle to these discussions. We're keen on showing how tailored tech solutions can revolutionize industries globally.

Opening up new markets

We'll be part of programs that look at how tech can shake up different industries. With our experience in retail, finance, healthcare, and travel tech, we've got a lot to bring to the table. We're excited to showcase how our approaches have solved real-world problems and can be applied to new sectors. This isn't just about business growth — it’s about creating solutions that work.

Building a killer network

Sure, it’s always an important reason to pursue such memberships. It's not just about who you know, it's about who you collaborate with. We're looking forward to partnering with other innovative, initiative-burning companies to create mind-blowing projects. 

TechUK's diverse membership means we'll cooperate with everyone from new startups to tech giants. This network of ideas is where the magic happens, and we're ready to roll up our sleeves and do our best to contribute.

Tapping into a knowledge goldmine

TechUK offers an invaluable pool of resources for market insights, events, and training. It's like a delicious buffet of tech knowledge, and we're coming to this feast hungry. We plan to use these resources to stay ahead of the curve, whether it's understanding new regulations, spotting emerging trends, or learning about the latest technologies. 

This knowledge won't just benefit us — we'll use it to deliver even better solutions to our clients. At COAX, we are always knowledge-starved, and we pass it from our teammates to future generations, with all the initiatives, grant programs, and internships we offer to shape the smart, passionate new generation of tech professionals.

Teaming up with tech redefiners

By joining TechUK, we're not just looking out for ourselves. We're here to help boost the entire UK and Europe tech scene. We'll be working on all sorts of cool stuff:

Joining TechUK is like getting a backstage pass to the future of tech. With TechUK, we're not just dreaming about the tech future — we're going to be building it.

So, what's next?

Networking, participating in impactful events, exchanging ideas, and building new things — stick around. We've got some big plans, and with TechUK by our side, we're ready to make some serious moves.

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