AI in aviation: The future of air travel is here

AI in aviation: The future of air travel is here

When a United Airlines flight was about to depart Chicago for London this April, an AI system called ConnectionSaver made a crucial decision. The AI flight finder determined that 13 connecting passengers from Costa Rica would arrive just 7 minutes late, so it held the plane. All passengers made their flight and arrived in London on time, avoiding headaches and extra costs. This story shows how AI in aviation transforms operations and the passenger experience.

This article explores aviation's current state and future as airlines increasingly adopt AI and machine learning technologies across their businesses. We'll examine how aviation intelligence is applied to optimize everything from fuel efficiency to customer service, and what industry executives think about AI's potential in air travel.

The state of AI in the aviation industry

Artificial intelligence in the aviation industry is experiencing rapid growth. Valued at $653.74 million in 2021, it's projected to reach nearly $10 billion by 2030. This explosive growth reflects how AI airline solutions are becoming mission-critical for carriers looking to boost efficiency, cut costs, and enhance the passenger experience.

AI in aviation market size

Over 60% of airlines are planning major AI programs in the next three years. The technology is expected to save the industry up to $15 billion annually by 2035 through optimized operations. Specifically, AI planes could reduce fuel costs by 10-15%, maintenance costs by up to 30%, and overall operational costs by 15-20%.

While challenges around data quality, regulatory approval, and consumer trust remain, it's clear that the future of air travel will be shaped by artificial intelligence. Like any new technology, AI adoption poses many questions for airline industry leaders. How quickly they can deploy it to gain a competitive advantage in a tech-driven market? What areas and sectors of aviation can be improved by AI? What are the expected results? Continue reading to find out.

AI aircraft improvement by sector

The adoption of AI in airline operations is accelerating rapidly across domains. In customer service, AI chatbots are projected to handle up to 95% of customer inquiries by 2025. On the operational side, AI air traffic control systems could reduce weather-related disruptions, which now cause 75% of all operational hurdles for planes. 

The technology is also making strides in aircraft management: AI-powered maintenance scheduling systems reduce aircraft downtime by up to 20%, while AI flight finders like United's ConnectionSaver decrease flight cancellations due to a more precise prediction of delays and disruptions, and cover the needs for connecting flights without rescheduling.

Beyond cost savings, the airline industry and travel solutions use AI to improve safety, sustainability, and the overall travel experience. Aerospace artificial intelligence applications span predictive maintenance, air traffic control optimization, personalized customer service, and even autonomous flight systems that could pilot passenger aircraft. So, what’s up in the industry?

Aviation intelligence solutions that change the game

Travel businesses in all sectors face an urgent need for artificial intelligence integration and development to fulfill their customers’ needs and drive growth. Let’s break down the main technology used to enhance aspects and areas of air travel. 

AI flight finders: Personalized travel assistants

Self-learning systems shape the way flight booking software looks nowadays, simplifying flight reservations for travelers. These intelligent tools leverage complex algorithms to analyze millions of flight combinations, considering factors like price, layovers, and personal preferences. They provide personalized recommendations, helping you find the best flight for your needs.

World’s best AI flight finders do the following:

  • Google Flights uses AI to analyze flight data and offer best-fit options. 
  • Skyscanner leverages AI in the airline to predict price fluctuations, suggest the best time to book, and provide hotel and car rental recommendations.
  • KAYAK uses OpenAI to answer your travel-related questions and gives recommendations based on your destination, date, budget, and accommodation preferences. 

How it works: A flight finder AI uses algorithms to analyze your travel history, preferences, and search behavior. These systems continuously learn from user interactions, refining algorithms over time. As you use the service more, it provides more accurate recommendations tailored to your preferences.

KAYAK dashboard
KAYAK dashboard

AI advanced navigation systems

What is air navigation AI and why is it a step up? It’s a system that uses artificial intelligence to automate and optimize various aspects of aircraft navigation, such as route planning, traffic management, and collision avoidance. Such technology is using AI to enhance air traffic control and management. By using advanced algorithms, AI navigation systems can:

  • Predict potential conflicts between aircraft
  • Optimize spacing and routing in real time
  • Suggest alternative routes to avoid weather disruptions or congestion
  • Assist human controllers in managing complex air traffic scenarios

Airbus's Skywise is a great example of using aviation intelligence for air traffic management.

Source: Serge Ghislain Koffi

How it works: Airplane navigating AI systems analyze vast amounts of data, including aircraft positions, weather conditions, and air traffic patterns. They predict potential conflicts and optimize routes for safe and efficient flow of air traffic.

AI aircraft safety and efficiency solutions

By analyzing the enormous amounts of data that no manual analysis can process, AI predicts equipment failures and schedule maintenance before any issue occurs, ensuring flight safety, reducing downtime, and operational efficiency. Additionally, AI optimizes flight paths and engine performance to minimize fuel consumption, contributing to a more sustainable aviation industry.

aviation intelligence

Here are just a few of the examples of the AI planes management technology and how they work:

  • Airbus AI predictive maintenance system analyzes sensor data to avoid equipment failures and schedule maintenance proactively.
  • Boeing fuel efficiency optimization system uses flight data to identify opportunities for fuel savings.

How it works: AI aircraft analytics tools use sensors to collect data on various aspects of the aircraft's performance, such as engine health, fuel consumption, and flight conditions. AI algorithms then analyze this data to identify potential issues and optimize the aircraft's operations.

AI flight attendants 

AI flight attendants don’t replace human crew but augment their capabilities, acting as ask-crew customer service or using the existing database or real-time data to satisfy passenger requests. These intelligent systems can:

  • Predict passenger needs based on historical data
  • Provide crew with instant access to passenger information and preferences
  • Answer passenger queries in multiple languages and provide real-time flight information
AI flight attendants
AI flight attendants

For instance, an AI flight attendant might suggest a vegetarian meal based on a passenger's past preferences or provide information about flight delays. Also, an airline AI chatbot helps passengers with checking in, finding their gate, and managing their baggage.

How it works: AI flight attendants use natural language processing to understand and respond to passenger inquiries. They can also access passenger data to provide personalized recommendations and assistance. These ‘Ask AI’ tools act as WhatsApp with a crew or airport representatives, but without the hassle or need for personal interaction.

AI for airline ticket revenue boost

AI for airline tickets offers more than a personalized booking experience. By analyzing past travel history and preferences, AI suggests additional routes, services, add-ons, or whole travel packages – the closest amenities, hotels, and resorts. This fosters partnerships between airlines and local businesses, higher revenue for providers, and a streamlined service for passengers. 

Here are some of the options AI airline ticket services suggest:

  • Recommend package-related services or on-board add-ons
  • Offer tailored package deals like transfers or stays at connected hotels
  • Provide virtual tours of aircraft cabins

This means travelers can book flights that perfectly match their needs and preferences, making their travel experience more enjoyable. Expedia is already offering virtual tours that let passengers explore aircraft cabins virtually before booking.

ai flights

How it works: AI, specifically developed for airline ticket upsell, analyzes your past travel behavior and preferences. This data then used to recommend flights, add-ons, and packages that align with your needs.

Airline industry AI solutions for operational excellence

AI transforms how carriers manage their operations and utilize resources. By using the solutions of the aerospace artificial intelligence market, airlines achieve new levels of efficiency across their operation. Here's a glimpse into how AI improves airline efficiency:

  • Fine-tune flight paths for optimal fuel consumption and reduced travel time
  • Predict maintenance needs to prevent unexpected downtime and ensure peak performance
  • Streamline crew scheduling to maximize productivity and minimize fatigue
  • Enhance baggage handling accuracy, reducing mishandled luggage incidents
  • Optimize gate assignments and turnaround times for smoother airport operations

How it works: Advanced algorithms continuously analyze information from various sources, including aircraft sensors, weather reports, flight histories, and passenger data. This real-time analysis enables airlines to make data-driven decisions that optimize operations.

On the ground, AI can dynamically adjust gate assignments based on real-time flight data, minimizing airport congestion. AI-powered systems also optimize the loading and unloading of baggage, ensuring faster turnaround times and reducing the chance of lost items.

The impact of AI on crew management is equally significant, as AI can create optimized schedules that reduce fatigue and improve overall efficiency. This holistic approach to efficiency isn't just about cutting costs – it's about creating a more seamless and reliable air travel experience.

7 airlines leaping into the future of aviation with AI

Artificial intelligence in aviation is now a present-day reality, and it’s making strides. Airlines across the globe are embracing airline AI industry solutions to revolutionize every aspect of their operations, from the ground up to 35,000 feet in the air. 

Let’s look at the most well-known examples of companies leveraging aviation intelligence, and get to know some opinions on the true potential of AI in airlines from their CEOs.

United Airlines 

United Airlines is leading the charge with its innovative AI flight technology. Their ConnectionSaver tool, a prime example of sky AI, uses complex algorithms to determine whether to hold flights for connecting passengers. 

This flight finder AI analyzes multiple factors, including the number of connecting passengers and projected arrival times, to make split-second decisions that can save travelers from missing their flights while still maintaining on-time performance. United's Chief Digital Officer Linda Jojo noted that AI tools like ConnectionSaver are "changing how we make decisions that impact our customers."

United is also leveraging generative AI to enhance customer communication, creating detailed, context-specific messages about flight delays that keep passengers informed and reduce frustration. Its AI-powered chatbots are available for various devices and messengers.

Ai powered chatbot

Alaska Airlines

Not to be outdone, Alaska Airlines has implemented an AI flight finder system. Alaska Airlines VP of IT Vikram Baskaran compares their AI route planning system to "Google Maps, but in the air." This sophisticated aircraft computer optimizes route planning by considering scattered, diverse factors including weather conditions and airspace closures.

AI flight finder

The results are impressive: in 2023 alone, this airplane AI saved the airline 41,000 minutes of flying time and half a million gallons of fuel. Alaska also use AI to answer questions in customer emails, prioritize urgent requests, and assist agents in crafting responses in the new internal tool (in testing now), showcasing how airline AI can enhance customer service.

American Airlines

American Airlines is focusing its efforts on the ground with its Smart Gating system. This AI aircraft application optimizes gate assignments for arriving aircraft, reducing taxi time (by almost 20%), and cutting fuel consumption.

Smart Gating

Implemented at major hubs like Chicago O'Hare and Miami International, it's saving an estimated 17 hours in taxi time and 1.4 million gallons of jet fuel annually, demonstrating the substantial impact of AI air traffic control innovations.

Delta Air Lines

Delta Air Lines is exploring how using AI for airline ticket management can revolutionize pricing and reservations. Delta Air Lines CEO Ed Bastian said the company is experimenting with AI for reservations and dynamic pricing, as well as AI-powered on-board entertainment suggestions.

Delta Air Lines

This application of business intelligence in the airline industry aims to optimize pricing for both base fares and ancillary services, potentially transforming revenue management strategies. The experiments with AI applications throughout every stage of the airline’s operation have brought a 17% premium revenue growth. The company plans to use artificial intelligence even more widely after a recent complete move of the whole infrastructure to AWS.


Across the Atlantic, KLM is putting AI flight attendant technology to work in its catering operations. While not replacing human crew members, this aircraft AI application predicts passenger meal preferences, helping to reduce onboard waste by more accurately estimating required food quantities. ‘We’re excited… We are learning exactly how much we need to bring on board and using AI to find out which meals are the favorites’, says Marjan Rintel, CEO of KLM. 

Apart from fulfilling the passenger needs as best, it’s also helping reduce waste from the excess food on the aircraft. With the impressive result of reducing food waste by 63% (or 100,000kg annually), it's a prime example of how airline AI can contribute to operational efficiency and sustainability efforts. The company also covers the needs for fulfilling passenger queries via AI chatbot, the BlueBot.

AI chatbot

Pegasus Airlines

Pegasus Airlines, a low-cost carrier from Turkey, is taking a broad approach with its Flybot program using the power of ChatGPT to interactive and smart communication experience, launching the "Trip Finder" feature. However, it’s just the beginning of their efforts. Using IBM’s Artificial Intelligence Solution, they have automated more than 40 employee processes with AI.

future of aviation

This initiative seeks to identify use cases for generative AI across all aspects of airline operations, from customer experience to maintenance and flight operations. ‘Generative AI will change everything within five to six years. It will not take another decade’, says Güliz Öztürk, CEO of Pegasus Airlines.

Austrian Airlines

Austrian Airlines is another carrier embracing aerospace artificial intelligence, implementing AI in predictive maintenance to anticipate potential mechanical issues before they occur. They're also leveraging AI to optimize their operations center and enhance marketing efforts, using intelligent systems to deliver more targeted content to customers.

‘It’s about supporting our staff with the decision-making and the right information they need to improve efficiency,’ says Annette Mann, CEO of Austrian Airlines. Looking to the future of these companies, we expect to see more innovative applications of AI in aviation.

The future of artificial intelligence in airline industry

As airlines continue to innovate, the question "Will AI replace pilots?" inevitably arises. While full automation of commercial flights remains a distant prospect, AI can already assist pilots in various tasks, from navigation to system monitoring. The ongoing air tests of AI-powered aircraft started in 2024 push the boundaries of what's possible. Advancements in autonomous taxiing solutions (check WheelTug) and AI-assisted takeoff and landing procedures become more common every year.

From AI flight finders that offer increasingly personalized travel recommendations to AI air traffic control systems that optimize airspace usage, the potential seems limitless. We might soon see advancements in AI for airline tickets that offer dynamic, personalized pricing, or airline AI refund systems that streamline what was once a complex process.

Whether you need a white-label AI solution or specific custom travel integrations to reach your goals of optimized efficiency or enhanced customer experience, the ultimate goal remains the same: to make flying safer, more sustainable, and more enjoyable for everyone involved. The sky is no longer the limit – with AI, the aviation industry is reaching for the stars.


How is AI transforming the aviation industry?

AI is revolutionizing various aspects of aviation, including flight planning, customer service, maintenance, and operations. It's helping airlines optimize routes, predict equipment failures, personalize passenger experiences, and improve overall efficiency.

What is an AI flight finder and how does it work?

An AI flight finder is a tool that uses self-learning algorithms to analyze millions of flight combinations, considering factors like price, layovers, and personal preferences. It provides personalized flight recommendations based on a traveler's past history and search behavior.

How are airlines using AI to improve safety and efficiency?

Airlines are using AI for predictive maintenance, which analyzes sensor data to anticipate equipment failures before they occur. AI is also optimizing flight paths and engine performance to reduce fuel consumption, contributing to both safety and sustainability.

Can AI replace human pilots in the near future?

While AI is increasingly assisting pilots in various tasks such as navigation and system monitoring, full automation of commercial flights remains a distant prospect. The industry is currently exploring AI-assisted takeoff and landing procedures, but human pilots are still essential for safe operations.

How is AI improving the passenger experience?

AI is enhancing the passenger experience through personalized services, such as AI chatbots for customer inquiries, AI-powered virtual tours of aircraft cabins, and systems that predict passenger meal preferences. It's also helping with more efficient baggage handling and providing real-time flight information.

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